Specialty Coatings
The knowledgeable staff at CMR will work with you to determine the best products on the market for your specialty coating needs helping to extend the life of your repair.
Longer Life for Your Restoration

Specialty concrete coatings

Specialty coatings and traffic coatings can often extend the life of a concrete structure and its restoration or repairs.

The knowledgeable staff at CMR will work with you to determine the best products on the market for your specialty coating needs helping to extend the life of your repair.

Heavy traffic, weather conditions and age can cause extensive damage to concrete structures. The application of the right specialty coating products can extend the life of the concrete and protect it from deteriorating forces. Decades of experience and training allow the experts at CMR to better select the product and coating best for your project. Water treatment plants, plaza decks, sports stadiums, commercial buildings, and bridges all frequently count on the protective nature of specialty coatings to extend the life of their structure.

Get a Quote For Your Specialty Concrete Coating Project

We value our customers and look forward to speaking with you.
Fill out our online form or reach us at 414.540.9600 to request a quote or schedule a Specialty Concrete Coating service.
Describe your Specialty Concrete Coating project and include any RFPs, specifications or project requirements.
Specialty Concrete Coatings
Specialty Concrete Coatings
Specialty Concrete Coatings
Specialty Concrete Coatings
In these Concrete Masonry Restoration & Repair videos, Thad talks to you about a municipal bridge specialty coating project we're working on, and the steps and techniques we use to restore concrete to like-new condition.

In this video, we introduce you to a municipal bridge project we're working on, and the steps and techniques we use to restore concrete to like-new condition.

In this video, we focus on Day 2 of the 6th Street Bridge project where we add an epoxy topcoat and silica sand aggregate, in prep for Day 3.

In this video, we focus on Day 3 of the 6th Street Bridge project where we add a urethane base coat to the walkways that waterproofs the surface, in preparation for Day 4.

In this video, we focus on Day 4 of the 6th Street Bridge project where we add a topcoat and silica broadcast to the waterproofed walkways, and summarize all 4 days of the project.

Extending the life of your concrete repair

The knowledgeable staff at CMR will work with you to determine the best products on the market for your specialty coating needs helping to extend the life of your concrete repair.

Specialty concrete coating INDUSTRIES
CMR works closely with clients to assess their damaged surface, determine the root cause and develop a comprehensive and effective solution, getting the job done right the first time.


Restore the Durability of Your Plant

Chemicals and water flow can be damaging to concrete water treatment plants, making speciality coatings a techique often used in repairs by the skilled team at CMR to protect your structure and extends its life.


Plaza Deck Safety and Beauty Restored

Repairs to plaza decks can leave the area looking patchy and unappealing. Specialty coatings can provide a cohesive and pleasant aesthetic, as well as protect your structure.


Structural Stability and Support for Your Fans

Keep fans cheering and your stadium protected by including specialty coatings in your concrete restoration. The knowledgeable staff at CMR will work with you to determine the best coatings and and products for your stadium.


Repairing and Restoring Bridges

Heavy traffic and weather patterns can cause cracks, voids and instabilities in bridges. CMR’s experienced team can assist you in selecting the right concrete coating for your structure, helping to extend its life and re-establish safety.