Parking Structure Cleaning & Maintenance
Concrete & Masonry Restoration, LLC has decades of experience in cleaning and maintaining parking structures.
Faster. Greener. Cleaner.

Parking Structure Cleaning & Maintenance

CMR has decades of experience in cleaning and maintaining parking structures.

Although concrete is the most commonly used construction material for parking structures because of its extreme durability and strength, wear and tear occurs over time. Parking structure decks and garages require routine cleaning and maintenance to minimize the effects of this wear and tear. You must be proactive with your cleaning and maintenance plan to safeguard your parking structure and ensure it can withstand continuous use.

Concrete & Masonry Restoration, LLC has decades of experience in cleaning and maintaining parking structures. Our preventative maintenance services are guaranteed to enhance the longevity and functionality of your parking structure. Additionally, we’re happy to aid with structural repairs and help you through a brand-new build.

Get a Quote For Your Parking Structure Cleaning & Maintenance Project

We value our customers and look forward to speaking with you.
Fill out our online form or reach us at 414.540.9600 to request a quote or schedule a Parking Structure Cleaning & Maintenance service.
Describe your Parking Structure Cleaning & Maintenance project and include any RFPs, specifications or project requirements.

CMR'S sustainable Cleaning & Maintenance Equipment

Concrete & Masonry Restoration, LLC provides eco-friendly, EPA-enforced parking structure cleaning with the the Cyclone CY5500 and Cyclone TR5500 machines.

Concrete & Masonry Restoration, LLC provides eco-friendly, EPA-enforced parking structure cleaning.

With the purchase of state-of-the-art, sustainable cleaning technology, the Cyclone CY5500 pressure washer minimizes water usage while completely eliminating the need for harsh chemicals. Additionally, this newly purchased equipment prevents water and soil pollution. The greenest aspect of the CY5500 pressure washer is the cleaning process. Concrete traps liquids like automotive oil, cleaning solvents, and other chemicals that are harmful to the environment. When concrete is cleaned, these contaminants get washed away and run off into our lakes, streams, and groundwater. The CY5500 reclaims dirty water that is properly disposed of later, eliminating any pollution.

CMR also uses the top-rated commercial pressure washer, the Cyclone TR5500. Like the CY5500, this pressure washer is EPA-compliant and has eco-friendly technology. Also chemical free, this concrete cleaning machine uses only heat and water. In a single pass with the Cyclone TR5500, our crews will remove the heaviest of build-up, surface stains, and debris without damaging the surface. The TR5500 uses 3,600psi instead of any type of vacuum and has a built-in filtration system that collects, cleans, and recycles dirty water.

Concrete & Masonry Restoration, LLC is proud to be green.