A common, and unfortunate, problem for concrete is cracking.
Cracks plague most concrete structures including commercial buildings, bridges, plaza decks, parking structures and more. A variety of solutions can be employed to address cracks and gaps in structures, including recaulking, sealing, and epoxy or urethane injections. When it comes to crack repairs and caulking, the skilled professionals at CMR will work with you and your team to investigate the crack, establish an objective for repair and determine the proper solution.
Sealing and Caulking
Our expert staff at CMR works closely with engineers to determine the best products and methods needed to effectively address the issue. Cracks in concrete can also be a signifier of larger issues. CMR will investigate the crack to not only find a solution for repair, but also to determine the cause and address any long-term structural issues.
Injection Repairs
Epoxy is stronger than concrete and often used to restore strength and weld cracks back together. Urethane injections react with the moisture inside the concrete to expand inside the crack, filling the void. CMR will work with you and your staff to determine the best method for repair and restoration that will be effective and long-lasting.
CMR Establishes an Objective for Repair and Determine the Proper Solution
When it comes to crack repairs and caulking, the skilled professionals at CMR will work with you and your team to investigate the crack, establish an objective for repair and determine the proper solution.
Restore the Strength & Beauty of Your Building
Repairing and Restoring Bridges
Plaza Deck Safety and Beauty Restored
Protect and Repair Your Parking Structure
Indoor and Outdoor Repair & Restoration