The annual JPCL Prestige Awards program recognizes influential individuals, impactful products on the market and noteworthy projects completed during the past year in the protective and marine coatings industry. The 2022 Top Project Awards highlight specific products involved in notable coating projects across an array of industry sectors, including bridge and highway, water and wastewater, marine, energy production and more.
CMR performed the specified surface preparation using high-pressure water jetting to remove all unsound concrete and to achieve surface cleanliness, to remove corrosion from the existing reinforcing steel and appurtenances, and to provide the necessary anchor surface profile for the Series 217 MortarCrete. CMR installed new steel reinforcement where existing reinforcement had greater than 25% loss of cross section from corrosion. Surface pH testing and surface anchor profile evaluations were performed to confirm compliance with the contract specification.
Following surface preparation and steel reinforcement replacement, CMR applied over 855 cubic feet (approx. 32 cubic yards) of Series 217 MortarCrete using low-pressure grout spray equipment to the overhead, vertical and horizontal surfaces. CMR's skilled workmanship and application techniques allowed the Series 217 MortarCrete to be applied vertically and overhead in thicknesses exceeding 6-8 inches in a single application lift. Piano wire (also known as ground wires) was stretched along the face of the overhead surfaces and vertical walls so that the Series 217 was screeded to ensure surface build-back to original plane and thickness. After installation and curing of the Series 217, CM R performed additional surface preparation of the Series 217 cementitious repairs to receive the Series 218 MortarClad epoxy cementitious resurfacer.
CMR, an experienced shotcrete applicator, was able to successfully layer the Series 217 MortarCrete in a wet-on-wet application using lowpressure grout spray, while scrubbing and screeding the product into place. This, combined with the inherent low rebound properties of Series 217, allowed CMR to perform repairs in a single lift.
Lastly, prior to completing the second wet well and screening channel, CMR had to demobilize to work around the wet season and allow the Pumping Station PS-5 to remain online; CMR returned a few months later to complete the project. Also, plugging and bypassing was required to complete the second wet well and screening channel. Plugging was difficult due to excessive corrosion of the 48-inch influent sewer concrete pipe interceptor and a larger size plug had to be installed.
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